When a woman turns 40, she should be ready for drastic changes in the life and health. A great range of processes takes place in the female organism during this period. Being aware of possible processes and diversifications is important, as it can help you balance the situation and treat the body respectively.
It is necessary to remember that facing 40s is not the end of life and changing hormone ranges are not the end. They are easily manageable with basic, healthy nutrition, stress reduction, regular exercising and taking some herbs and sometimes bio-identical hormones. On the other hand, you need to know about possible health and body diversifications that can take place when you turn 40:
- More frequent periods. Typically, 31 days are a normal time span for periods in young girls in their 20s, while the gap is decreasing to 28 days when you turn 30. Women over 40 have periods 24-27 days apart.
- More serious stress attacks. According to the results of the recent study, females in the Perimenopausal stage are 3 times more likely to experience depression, insomnia, and anxiety. The condition can be explained by a crucial drop in progesterone that is responsible for the stabilization of the stress response.
- Low fertility. It is exceptionally difficult to predict fertility when you are 40. Even if your hormonal balance is perfect, eggs age causing more than 60% of miscarriage instances.
- Intense PMS. Due to the considerable drop in progesterone levels and irregular menstrual cycles, women can suffer from an intense premenstrual syndrome, including irritability, breast tenderness, bloating, sleeplessness, food cravings, and others.
- Problematic fibroids, polyps, cysts, and adenomyosis. Considering estrogen dominance during this stage, all the hormone-sensitive conditions can aggravate and progress extremely fast after 40.
- Weight maintenance becomes hard. Significant shifts in the hormone with a decrease in DHEA and testosterone can contribute to problems managing muscle mass and weight. Exceptional attention should be paid to nutrition, exercising and proper sleep during this period.