Doctor Julie Clabo

Doctor Julie Clabo is a gynecologist, a vlogger, a blogger, and the author of her own website where she discusses various female health problems. Being so active on different Internet resources she has the possibility to bring her thoughts and ideas on the woman health to those who really need them.

Julie Clabo was born in 1983 in a small town Obernai in the North-West of France. In 2001, she entered the Faculty of Medicine at the Université de Strasbourg where she has been studying for 10 years to get a Master’s degree. After graduation in 2011, doctor Julie Clabo began to work as a gynecologist at Les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg.

Her daily communication with women let her understand the importance of the profession, especially for those, who had problems with the intimate health. However, she couldn’t but notice that a lot of women knew almost nothing about their bodies’ proper functioning.

This worrying situation made Julie Clabo start leading her blog about the way the female body should function, possible problems, and prophylaxis of poor health condition. She was pleasantly surprised when the number of her followers started to grow. In about a month, she could boast of 1500 subscribers. They put numerous questions and doctor Clabo understood that she needed a broader format of communication with the interested ones.

Such a response of her readers inspired doctor Clabo to create a special website where any woman would be able to find some useful information and pieces of advice concerning female sexual health.

To embody this ambitious plan, and make it really work, Julie Clabo needed a team, which would be ready to help her and give a constructive critic to all the great number of her ideas. She found such people among her subscribers and soon the website started its work. Julie Clabo is the author of almost all the articles you may find on the website. She is in constant search of the topics, which would be interesting to her and to her visitors as well.

One of the recent subjects, she has been discussing there, was about a hormonal imbalance and an excess of prolactin hormone in particular. This article turned out to be interesting not only for the females but also to male athletes who use steroids to increase their body mass. Anabolics affect the levels of prolactin in men thus leading to gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in males).

To widen her auditory, Julie Clabo began leading a vlog on healthy intimate life on YouTube where she speaks about the possible physiological and emotional problems of the female sexuality.

Julie Clabo hopes that her activeness on the social networks will bring its results in the nearest future, and more women will be satisfied with their intimate life and be healthy.

The doctor never stops learning. She visits international conferences on gynecology to become a better specialist for her patients. Besides, it gives her the possibility to learn from some most talented and experienced doctors and gain a priceless experience in her life.

When Julie Clabo doesn’t work at the hospital, she devotes all the time to her website and blogs. As for now, she thinks that she is not yet ready to create a family.